Global GovTech provider Civica has recently acquired LinkSafe, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the company. Discover more about this exciting development by following the link to the official press release. Click here to view the whole article


Contractors and Psychosocial Hazards – Ensuring Your Contractors are Protected.

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023
Event details
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023
Contractors and Psychosocial Hazards – Ensuring Your Contractors are Protected.

Because contractors come and go and are not embedded into the workplace they attend, they can slip under the radar when thinking about psychosocial hazards. Principal contractors who hire contractors have a responsibility to ensure their contractors are safe at the workplaces they attend. This includes making sure they are kept psychologically safe and are not exposed to workplace bullying and other harmful behaviour. However, because contractors generally have low standing, because of their transience, they are the least likely to speak up, but the most likely to be exposed to workplace bullying.

In this webinar, Sue Bottrell and Alex Millman of Mills Oakley will look at psychological safety from an entirely new perspective and unpack how we can ensure contractors are protected from bullying and other harmful behaviours, are included in psychological safety programs, advised of behaviour expectations and provided with avenues for assistance.